Presentation Formatting
Details regarding presentation formatting such as poster size and slide requirements are available at the following link. Please note that all presentation files are due on Friday, June 28, 2024:
The upload link is now available here:
- Details regarding presentation formatting such as poster size and slide requirements are available at the following link.
- These are the file types are we expecting and where they will be posted:
- In-person podium – pdf or .pptx slides for use at the conference (required), 10 minute video to view on our platform (optional)
- In-person poster – pdf of your poster for to view on our platform (optional), 3 minute video to view on our platform (optional). You are responsible for bringing the physical poster to the conference.
- Remote Track podium – 10 minute video to be livestreamed and placed on our platform for future viewing (required)
- Remote Track poster – pdf of your poster for to view on our platform (required), 3 minute video to view on our platform (optional)
- Please note that your file must be named (Last Name_Abstract #). If you have more than one file, you can upload them at the same time below and add “_1” to the end of the name.
- The abstract number (also known as the submission code) is located in the detailed schedule:
We are pleased to present the call for symposia, workshops, extended abstracts, and papers for INDOOR AIR 2024, the 18th edition of the flagship conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ). Individual submission deadlines will be stated below. The conference program will feature distinguished plenary speakers, podium and poster presentations of papers published in conference proceedings, participant-led workshops and symposia, social activities to foster networking and community, and the widely-anticipated ISIAQ summer school for students and postdocs.

Submission Types

Don’t miss this chance to jump-start your career and take the first step towards your dream job. This will be a session where job candidates interested in entering the job market within 1-2 years can present a poster about themselves, their skills, and their career goals to speak with prospective employers both within and outside academia. Applying for this session will not impact your other submissions.
You can participate either in-person or via Remote Track. The in-person session will occur during the poster session on Tuesday afternoon. If you already have a poster in the Tuesday afternoon session, we will automatically move it to Monday. Hit submit to learn about the submission details.
No Longer Accepting Submissions

Whether you’ve made a recent breakthrough, discovered new findings, or simply didn’t get a chance to submit earlier, now is the time to seize the opportunity to present at Indoor Air 2024!
Submission Details: Submit a concise 300-word abstract outlining your research. There is no required abstract template. Peer Review: Please note that late-breaking submissions will not undergo peer review or be included in the conference proceedings. Presentation Options: You can choose to present your poster in person or remotely. Deadline: The deadline is May 31, 2024! Decisions are made on a rolling basis every 2 weeks.
No Longer Accepting Submissions

Abstract submissions should succinctly summarize the objectives, methods, results, and significance of your research, project, or study. We encourage original contributions that push the boundaries of knowledge and offer novel perspectives. Whether your work is empirical, theoretical, or applied, we welcome diverse viewpoints and interdisciplinary approaches. Submissions can take the form of a 2-page extended abstract or an 8-page paper (required templates provided). In most cases we will accept a maximum of 2 presentations per attendee as the primary presenter, although the number of submissions is not limited and additional presentations will be considered as space allows.
No Longer Accepting Submissions

Enhance your conference experience by diving into our innovative Participant-Led Sessions, designed to empower you with hands-on involvement and invaluable insights. Includes the following:
Symposium: a targeted group of seven 12 minute talks organized around a central theme or scientific question. Workshop: a guided event that actively engages attendees in a structured yet open discussion. Special Session: design a creative new format that will effectively benefit the indoor air community through the open exchange of knowledge!
No Longer Accepting Submissions
Indoor Air 2024 Sponsors:

Submission Timeline
Submission Type | Deadline |
Participant-Led Session Submission | October 23, 2023 |
Abstract Submission (Full & Extended Papers) | December 15, 2023 |
Late-Breaking Submission | May 31, 2024 |

Important Details
What is due December 1st?
There is only one submission for Indoor Air 2024 oral and poster presentations. You’ll need to submit the full version of either the extended abstract or full paper by December 1st, 2023. You can start the submission now in the system and finish it prior to the deadline.
In the past, Indoor Air often had a 2 step submission process (paragraph abstract followed by full). Indoor Air 2024 features only 1 step to the submission process.
Can I submit a short abstract and update to an extended abstract or full paper later?
This year, we only have 1 step in the review process, so you’ll need to submit either the extended abstract or the full paper to go through review. There is no shorter abstract submission first.
You can pick whether you want to submit the extended abstract or the paper. The length of the submission will not impact the probability of acceptance or the likelihood of getting assigned to oral or poster presentation. Most people submit the extended abstract, but there are some organizations that will only grant travel funds if a full paper is submitted/accepted, so we have that option available for those who need it (or prefer the longer format). So you are totally fine to submit the extended abstract only if you like.
Are the references included in the page limit?
Yes, all sections (including references and acknowledgements) must fit within the 2 page limit for the extended abstract.
I accidentally made a submission under the wrong category. What do I do now?
Unfortunately, we cannot manually switch an abstract submission into a participant-led session submission, and vice versus. To solve this problem, simply reenter your information using the correct form. You will be able to see the answers from your previous submission, making for an easy transfer of information.
Afterwards, please notify us at so we can delete your accidental submission. Thank you!
Am I allowed to make several abstract and/or participant-led session submissions?
Individuals can submit several abstracts, but depending on space constraints we may only include 1-2 in the program to ensure we hear from a range of voices. It will depend on space and the number of submissions. This also reigns true for participant-led sessions.
Can I make edits to my submission?
- Applicants can make edits up until the deadline, October 16th for participant-led session submissions and December 1st for abstract submissions.
- After your submission is peer reviewed, you can respond to comments.
- You can make edits once accepted. However, new edits must not add new data.
What are registration costs?
We are in the final stages of finalizing all registration prices. Our goal is to release that information soon. You can stay tuned by following us on social media, Twitter(X) @indoorair2024. Additionally, you can find updates on our website.
How do I request an official Visa letter?
- After the registration process, you will have the option to request a Visa letter.
- Registrants must register before receiving an official Visa letter.
- See Important Dates for more information
The International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) maintains an on-going relationship using the expertise of Curran Associates, Inc., a specialized company in conference proceedings, to facilitate the printing of conference proceedings on-demand. These proceedings include the assignment of ISBNs and can be accessed at ISIAQ members have the privilege of viewing ISIAQ-sponsored conference proceedings as part of their membership benefits at no cost on the ISIAQ website. Non-members can also view proceedings at a discounted rate by visiting